As a Team Admin, you can manage your team members and assign roles in just few simple steps.
Add and Assign Team Role for New Members
Step 1: Access the “My Team” Page
Login to your account and navigate to the “My Team” page.
Select the team you want to manage.
Step 2 : Go to the Team Members tab and select “Add New Member.”
Step 3 : Fill in their Email, First Name, Last Name and assign their Team Role.
Remove Members
Select the trash bin icon next to the member you want to remove.
Note: Once removed, they will lose access to your team, associated meetings, and journeys.
Update Team Role for Existing Members
Select Role drop down list next to the member you want to update, then choose their new role.
Only the team owner can assign the admin role to a member.
Team admins can assign only the trainer or member roles to other members.