Getting Started

Get up and running with the Ovida platform.

Bryan Watson avatar
1 author4 articles

How Ovida collects and handles data

Nadja Paunovic avatarBryan Watson avatar
2 authors3 articles

Signing up and logging In

How to get started with Ovida

Nadja Paunovic avatarKris Nguyen avatar
2 authors4 articles

Subscriptions and billing

Everything you need to know about managing your Ovida subscription

Kris Nguyen avatarNadja Paunovic avatar
2 authors4 articles


We're all about connecting with people. You'll need to add people to your contacts to connect with them.

Kris Nguyen avatarBryan Watson avatar
2 authors3 articles

Creating and Joining a Meeting

Everything you need to know about meetings.

Kris Nguyen avatarNadja Paunovic avatarBryan Watson avatar
3 authors9 articles

During a meeting

Bryan Watson avatarNadja Paunovic avatar
2 authors4 articles

After the meeting

Nadja Paunovic avatar
1 author4 articles

Reviewing a meeting

At the heart of every communication are moments. Those critical points that discussions turn on, where we truly connect, or learn about ourselves and others. Ovida helps professionals identify, understand and respond to those moments.

Nadja Paunovic avatarBryan Watson avatarKris Nguyen avatar
3 authors22 articles


General account settings

Kris Nguyen avatar
1 author1 article

Using Ovida to mentor, review or train

Whether you are mentoring, reviewing, or supervising, Ovida has the tools you need to deliver greater impact, faster.

Nadja Paunovic avatar
1 author2 articles

Dashboards and Metrics

What metrics are, how to understand, share and act on your dashboards

Nadja Paunovic avatar
1 author3 articles

Notifications and alerts

We keep in contact with you via email. Read on to understand who gets alerts, when, and how to resolve it when you don't receive them.

Nadja Paunovic avatar
1 author1 article

Team Accounts

Team accounts are perfect for organisations who want to manage multiple Ovida users via a single account.

Kris Nguyen avatarNadja Paunovic avatarBryan Watson avatar
3 authors8 articles

Data management

Kris Nguyen avatar
1 author1 article

Information for guests

Your coach wants to coach you on Ovida. Find out why they are using Ovida, how it will work, and what it means for you.

Nadja Paunovic avatarBryan Watson avatar
2 authors6 articles

Product Monthly Update

Keep up to date with the latest changes in Ovida's rapidly evolving product.

Kris Nguyen avatar
1 author1 article

How-To Guide for New Feature Release

A concise guide on using the newest feature release.

Kris Nguyen avatar
1 author3 articles

Job ads

Bryan Watson avatar
1 author1 article