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Edit the meeting details

How to edit the meeting details?

Updated this week

From the Home page or Meetings page, you can edit:

  • date and time

  • team you want to allocate the meeting to

  • meeting mode (Review, Train)

  • add/remove observers

1. Home page > Edit > Edit details in the pop up > Confirm changes > Close

2. Meetings page > ellipsis menu > More details > Edit details in the pop up > Confirm changes > Close

Note that if you have added observer(s) to your meeting, both your guest and observer(s) will be notified.

Limitations on editing meetings

  • Only the host can edit meetings

  • You can change the meeting time but only for meetings in the future

  • You can't change the guest's email - if you have made a typo, please delete the meeting and schedule a new one

  • You must allocate the meeting to a team. The meeting can be allocated to one team only. To allocate a meeting to a team or change the team a meeting is allocated to follow these steps.

  • To add observers to your meeting, they must either have a Mentor license or be owners/members of a team on the Business or Enterprise plan. To add or remove an observers follow these steps.

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