βWhat product access does a team account give me?
Team accounts grant you:
unlimited contacts and meetings
ability to review other users' meetings and dashboards
Can other team members or owners see my data or meetings?
An owner of your team can see the number of meetings you have had or scheduled (meetings - as host, as observer, as guest, scheduled), as well as the overall number of comments and moments added in all meetings you had (review activity). This does not mean that the team owner can access your session and review these comments and moments. If you explicitly add them as an observer on a specific meeting, only then they could access your session.
If you decide to allocate a certain meeting to a team, a team owner will be able to see data including: host, guest and observer name, date, status (scheduled, completed, missed), mode (review, coach, train), number of comments and moments for that specific meeting. Again, this does not mean that the team owner can access your session and review it, unless you explicitly add them as an observer.
You can see on the picture below exactly what a team owner can see if you are a member of his team.
Does membership of a team impact my personal account?
Your membership of a team does not impact your personal account in any way. You retain sole access to your personal account, and all of the data in it.
What if I am added to a team with a work email address?
All accounts are linked to the email address they are registered with. If you lose access to the email address, you might lose access to the account. If you are about to lose access to your work email address, please contact support@ovida.io and we will port all your data to your new account.
What happens when I leave a team account?
Some team members might be a member of a team account for a limited duration - for example through a course of study. When you leave a team, your product access rights will be determined by your remaining personal account. If it is a Free account, for example, you will lose the rights you held under the team account, like the ability to create meetings or be a meeting observer. To regain those access rights, you can subscribe to our Mentor plan. You will retain the ability to see all of the meetings you have previously hosted or been a guest in.