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My Teams page

All elements of My Teams page in one place.

Nadja Paunovic avatar
Written by Nadja Paunovic
Updated over a week ago

What is the purpose of My Teams page?

My Teams page is made for team owners to easily keep track of their team members, their meetings and metrics. It can be found in navigation menu on the left. By accessing it, a team owner can get an overview of the teams he owns, their account stage, subscription plan and creation time.

What team owners can do?

1. Add / remove team members

As a team owner, you hold the power to decide who is going to be the member of your team.

  • If you would like to add a team member, click here to learn how.

  • If you would like to remove a team member, click here to learn how.

2. View team metrics (for each team member and every meeting allocated to that team)

  • You can track general team information:

- number of team members

- meetings hosted

- meetings with observer (the number of meetings with an observer


- meetings reviewed (the number of meetings that were reviewed by an


- moments added (the number of all moments in all meetings allocated to

that team)

- comments added (the number of all comments made on moments in all

meetings allocated to that team)

  • You can see the metrics specific for each team member:

- meetings (as host, as observer, as guest, scheduled)

- review activity (comments and moments added in all meetings)

  • You can select the role each team member can have (team member, team trainer) and also track the credits they've used

  • You can track the data for each meeting allocated to your team:

- host, guest and observer's name

- date, status (completed, scheduled, missed), mode (train, review, coach)

- comments and moments added

4. Manage meeting observers

  • Observer can by anyone who you trust to review the meeting and you think can provide valuable feedback.

  • Only a user with either a Mentor license or an owner/member of a team on the Business or Enterprise plan can be an observer. An observer can only be added to a meeting that is in Review mode or Train mode.

  • You can add an observer to a meeting by clicking on a "+" below the Observers column. Both the host and the guest will receive an email notification that the observer has been added.

  • If you want to remove an observer from a meeting, click on "x" next to the name and confirm it by clicking on the "Remove" button.

5. Change meeting mode

  • Choosing the right meeting mode affects the access that users with whom team members have shared the meeting have

  • Click on the edit icon in the column Mode to change the mode

  • Select the desired mode. Be sure to read the warning, and select "Change Mode".

  • You can choose between 3 modes (Review, Train and Coach). Note that when the meeting is created, it is automatically set to Review mode.

  • Warning: Be aware that changing modes changes who can see meeting comments and moments, and potentially exposes confidential data. Change mode with caution, especially if you have already added comments and moments to a meeting.

6. Manage roles and permissions

  • Read more about team roles and permissions here.

  • As the team owner, you are empowered to determine which roles within your team will have visibility of the AI lens in the analysis.

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